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Gorkhi-Terelj National Park

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Gorkhi Terelj National Park is located 65 km northeast of Ulaanbaatar by paved road. High granite stone mountains with forest-covered northern slopes, multitudes of wildflower meadows along with the spectacular shape rocks formed by wind is a favorite scenery for the visitors. Fast-flowing rivers and streams make the national park more beautiful.

An average altitude of the 293.168 ha national park is 1600 m above sea level and the highest point is 2664 m Avkhan mountain. The national park is one of the most visited national parks due to its close location. There are numerous ger camps and resorts in the tourist zone before the Terelj River. The rest of the protection zones start after the Terelj River and become less touristy, less inhabited with pristine nature. The depths of the mountain forest are rich in wild animals, including boar, red deer, roe deer, fox, wolves, etc while birds of prey fly everywhere. Except for the natural beauty, Terelj was a mining area of smokestone, amethyst, and pure crystal till 1960.

Gorkhi-Terelj National Park